Support Our Work
Now more than ever, we need your help!
It takes a lot of resources to protect the constitutional rights of New Mexicans. NMCDLA educates and mobilizes our membership into a force that moves our state forward. Your generous contribution will concretize what we are currently doing and be a catalyst for future work.

Thanks to contributors like you, we have:
- Advanced new laws on expungement, ban the box and decreased penalties.
- Refuted biased studies and media narratives on pre-trial detention, grand juries and criminal justice reform.
- Trained our members on the constitutional rights around solitary confinement and jail conditions.
- Engaged HUNDREDS of defenders in cutting edge CLE seminars designed for their specific practice areas.
- Monitored the DOJ’s oversight of the Albuquerque Police Department as part of APD Forward.
- Offered trial resources through Case Notes, NHTSA manuals, and DRE training materials.
And with your support, we can continue to do:
- Speak up throughout the year to lawmakers against draconian bills, support alternatives to incarceration and mental health services.
- Redesign and enlarge NMCDLA’s resource library of motions and briefs.
- Offer timely webinars on new decisions and changing law to NMCDLA members.
- Expand our work in rule-making, specifically related to bail reform and pre-trial interviews.
- Partner with social justice organizations advocating for refugees, families of people in prison and people returning from incarceration.
Ways to Support NMCDLA:

Become an NMCDLA Champion of Justice!
Champions of Justice are donors who donate $1,000 to NMCDLA to give us an extra boost and spearhead our advocacy efforts.
Click Here for more information
Your donation will be directed toward the projects and services NMCDLA is currently championing, including:
CLE Scholarships
Membership Financial Assistance
Legislative Advocacy
Solitary Confinement Reform Efforts
Bail Reform Efforts
Annual Trial Skills College
Non-Profit Status: The New Mexico Criminal Defense Lawyers Association is a 501(c) (6) tax-exempt organization under the Internal Revenue Code. Please consult with your qualified tax professional regarding whether your contribution may be a deductible business expense.